Christmas with Brighton Consort 2005

Venue:St George's Church, Kemptown, Brighton
Another Brighton Consort Christmas Special; some seriously beautiful polyphony combined with traditional carols from seven centuries; a rich and varied "gallery band" and quite a few laughs - not to mention mince pies and mulled wine!
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Concert Programme
John Shepherd - Verbum caro
Chant - Puer natus est
Thomas Tallis - Gloria from missa puer natus
William Byrd - O magnum mysterium
Tallis - Sanctus and Agnus dei from missa puer natus
Giovanni Gabrielli - O magnum mysterium
Hildegard - O virgo ac diadema
Anon - Angelus ad virginem
Michael Praetorius - Es ist ein Ros entsprungen
Carol with audience - A great and mighty wonder
John Foster - While shepherds watched
Carol with audience - Quem pastores
John Hill - Hymn for Christmas day
William Byrd - An earthly tree
Carol with audience - The Sussex carol
Carol with audience - O come all ye faithful