English Choral Music Through the Centuries

Performance Details:
Saturday, 11th of November, 2000
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Concert Programme
Weelkes - Hosanna to the son of David
Taverner - Dum transisset
Byrd - Siderum rector
Barley - O sacrum convivium
Barley - Ave verum corpus
White - Exaudiat te
Britten - Yif ic of luve can
Britten - Carol
Britten- Ye that passen by
Purcell - Music for a while
Purcell - Lost is my quiet
Purcell - Lord, how long wilt Thou be angry?
Purcell - Remember not, Lord, our offences
Purcell - O God, Thou art my God
Britten - A hymn to the Virgin
Purcell - Jehova, quam multi sunt hostes mei