Passion:Choral and Instrumental Music for Holy Week

Performance Details:
Saturday, 9th of March, 2002
Venue:Church of St Mary-the-Virgin, Brighton
Venue:Church of St Mary-the-Virgin, Brighton
More information
Concert Programme
Weelkes - Hosanna to the son of David
Palestrina - Stabat mater
Gesualdo - Two Tenebrae Responses
Gesualdo - Sicut ovis
Gesualdo - Jerusalem, surge
Britten - Yif ic of luve can
Barley - Stabat mater
Lotti - Crucifixus
Browne - Stabat mater
Whyte - Lamentations of Jeremiah (part 1)
Britten - Ye that passen by
Taverner - Dum transisset